Tax Services

When it comes to the world of taxes, preparation and planning go a LONG way. We have the tax professional know-how you’re looking for and can help you navigate your options.

Tax Preparation

Stop missing out on potential deductions that could be saving you big money!

Tax Planning

Real strategies and solutions to help you minimize your IRS liability.

IRS Representation

Don’t go it alone! We’re your ally and representative in an IRS audit.

Estate Planning

Make sure your family transitions prepare your children and your family for financial freedom.

Five Reasons to Take Scenario Planning Seriously in Your Milwaukee Small Business

Happy Earth Day. The day we celebrate this little blue marble we all enjoy living on. I found this fascinating as I was reading about it this morning — there are so many elements that make up the scenario of a thriving Planet Earth. Less threats because...

CFPB Small Business Loan Requirements & Your Milwaukee Biz

Ever thought about taking a “mini sabbatical”? As in, longer than a week vacation and focused specifically on total rest? Here’s why I ask…Tax Day has come and gone, and, after a four-month sprint of paperwork marathons and client demands, my tax pro friends are...

3 Debt Elimination Steps for Your Milwaukee Small Business

An important date is coming up, and even though I’m not your tax person, it only seems fair to remind you…The tax filing deadline is Monday, April 15th. Last minute filing is not recommended for the sake of your business’s financial health.Besides that, we’re now into...

A New Retirement Plan for Milwaukee Small Business Owners

Here we are four months into a new year and plugging along towards 2024’s goals for your business. First, thank you so much for your trust, and for allowing us to be the ones you trust to guide you on the path you’re charting for your business. Since we work...

Managing Remote Workers Through I-9 Requirements: A How-To for Milwaukee Businesses

We’re working hard for you.And we always want to make sure you’re optimizing your processes for profit, efficiency, visibility, and legal compliance. Including areas that often get overlooked…I keep seeing headlines about the arm wrestling over remote work, as...

Why Retain Milwaukee Business Advisors Year-Round

Let’s get real: It’s mid-March and January’s zeal for fixing all the broken things in your business has probably faded by now.Maybe you started the year with a bang, but the grind has set in and it feels more like, well, a grind.That new spreadsheet you created to...

Zero-Based Budgeting in Your Milwaukee Small Business

No business management technique is sacred anymore. And rightly so.In my world, there’s been a trend in recent years with businesses moving away from traditional, fixed budgets towards more flexible approaches. I think that could be said for most tasks within business...

Making Your Milwaukee Business and Tech Work Together

When I see relevant stats that my Southeastern Wisconsin business owner friends should know about, I’m going to share them with you. (You already know I’m a numbers person, after all.)But first, a quick note about end-of-month tasks.If you haven’t gotten all of last...

The Nuances of Sales Tax Holidays For Milwaukee Business Owners

Firstly — a quick reminder that we’re reaching the end of the month, which means getting your monthly reporting done.. Send us anything we've been asking for ... by the 1st? :)Second — Have you reported your Beneficial Ownership Information to FinCen yet? If not, and...

Milwaukee Business Owners, A Big Gmail Update Is on the Way

For a long time, the NFL was hands-off when it came to Las Vegas. They were unwilling to get anywhere close because of the long-time commissioner’s caution about the connections some big NFL names had with well-known mob connections. Commissioner Pete...

How You're Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: The State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers (like you) are missing out on legal and safe deductions to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

Let Us Help:

Customer Stories

Robert M.

Maecenas porttitor feugiat sem non euismod. Integer placerat faucibus est eget convallis. Morbi faucibus lorem non neque condimentum, sed venenatis neque sagittis. Aliquam vulputate hendrerit erat non hendrerit. Maecenas sollicitudin quam a dolor aliquet commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus quam velit, pretium fringilla lorem id, fringilla sagittis quam. Pellentesque eget ante non quam iaculis posuere. Integer justo nisl, porta at viverra eu, varius nec ante. Nam sollicitudin vestibulum orci at feugiat.

Jane W.

Phasellus lacinia urna volutpat diam finibus, id sagittis lorem euismod. Aenean mattis quam eleifend, viverra elit cursus, molestie libero. Suspendisse et molestie massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas iaculis volutpat pulvinar. Maecenas et lectus ut nisl rutrum accumsan. Praesent lacinia urna posuere gravida volutpat. Aenean vel pulvinar justo, a fermentum ante.

Jon C.

Donec eu dolor nunc. Cras sed bibendum ipsum. Ut tempor felis rutrum dui facilisis condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sit amet libero in nunc semper interdum at vel ligula. Duis eleifend urna et ante dignissim, id sodales eros pellentesque. Donec interdum euismod hendrerit.

Jon S.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed condimentum leo neque, a suscipit dolor faucibus semper. Mauris lacus lorem, ultricies nec ultricies et, varius eu eros. Maecenas nec metus enim. Donec eu dolor nunc. Cras sed bibendum ipsum. Ut tempor felis rutrum dui facilisis condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sit amet libero in nunc semper interdum at vel ligula. Duis eleifend urna et ante dignissim, id sodales eros pellentesque. Donec interdum euismod hendrerit.

Person O.

Donec fermentum velit vel ultricies sodales. Fusce quis tellus semper, pretium nisi vel, aliquam metus. Quisque lacus leo, dignissim id diam eget, molestie blandit odio. Phasellus interdum quam at lectus sodales, non congue enim luctus. Phasellus sed augue interdum leo sagittis laoreet. Integer turpis dui, sagittis vitae gravida eu, lacinia sed nunc. Etiam eu iaculis dui. Nunc congue eros sit amet rutrum maximus.